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Lindsay Durant

Welcome to TBBM (The Breathe and Bloom Method) Blog!

The re-birth of Breathe and Bloom Holistics

It has been a while since I wrote something on the Breathe and Bloom blog page. I have been thinking a lot about what I should write and what might be of interest to followers.

So, after some consideration I decided to explain why I have re-birthed Breathe and Bloom Holistics and invite you on the journey with me by writing regular blog posts and up-date you on what's happening around the business.

I created Breathe and Bloom back in 2020 after working within the NHS as a Midwife for over 15 years, I decided to leave the organisation and set up a private company offering hypnobirthing and birth education workshops. I enjoyed providing this service, however, after only a couple of months was given the opportunity to work as a lecturer in midwifery at a large University based in the UK. This was both a shock and an exciting detour. I never thought I would ever be a lecturer, the teachers at the university I trained at were no less than Goddesses to us students and I admit that the imposter syndrome was a daily battle I had to endure. Regardless of my major anxiety and feelings of not being good enough, I persevered and loved the teaching element of the job, the students, the staff, the content; it was all great and I thoroughly enjoyed it, receiving some amazing feedback along the way. However, the fact of the matter was that I was missing the client engagement and sadly I found the amount of clerical, admin, emails and meetings was distracting me from what my true calling had always been. After nearly two academic years, I made the very difficult decision, to step down from lecturing, choosing instead to focus on my passion and love that is, being of service to families, pregnant women and people requiring extra guidance and support with healing. The scope of the clientele I wanted to reach had expanded, this was important to me, after personal experience of mental health and neurodivergence that proved almost impossible to navigate without the help of complimentary and holistic therapies such as reiki and talking therapies, I felt the services I was offering must be available to anyone and everyone.

So far so good...

The re-birth of Breathe and Bloom Holistics has been interesting and steady so far. In between seeing clients, I am hoping for Breathe and Bloom to collaborate with a couple of different organisations who have similar values and beliefs around supporting individuals. I will tell you all about how these projects go as part of this blog page.

Be kind to yourself 🩷

I hope you have found this short post about the re-birth of Breathe and Bloom Holistics interesting. I am passionate about being authentic and transparent about things that I hope you find interesting and want to know a little more about. Todays post was really just about saying hello...again!

There has been so much sadness and heartbreaking news coverage of the struggles and incomprehensible cruelty going on in the countries where conflicts continue.

Many things can have implications on the health and well being of not only ourselves but our families and friends too. If you or someone you know may benefit from the therapies I offer, please do get in touch and remember to be kind to yourself 🩷

Much love,

Lindsay 🙏🏻🪷💗

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